
You asked

Please could you tell me: Number of Police Officers in the Metropolitan Police Service in 2016 Number of Police Officers in the Metropolitan Police Service in 2023.

We said

Thank you for your request. 

We recently published the following analysis: Occupations of those in employment, by age and sex, England and Wales, Census 2021. This provides details of police officer employment statistics broken down into senior police officers (line 25 in table 1 of the dataset), police officers at sergeant and below (line 173 in table 1 of the dataset), and police community support officers (line 327 in table 1 of the dataset). 

However, unfortunately we do not hold a breakdown of this information into individual police services. 

The Home Office are responsible for police workforce statistics and publish workforce numbers in their biannual release, which may be helpful: Police workforce in England and Wales statistics. For further information on police workforce data, the Home Office can be contacted on

Additionally, the Metropolitan Police Service Freedom of Information team may be better placed to assist you they can be contacted at Metropolitan police make an FOI request