FOI REF: FOI-2023-1217

You asked

Could I please be provided statistics on driving offences in Strathpeffer Ross-shire area, or IV149DA area postcode?

We said

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we do not hold the information that you have requested as the crime data that we hold is for England and Wales only. 

We publish police recorded crime data as part of our Crime in England and Wales quarterly bulletins which include data on driving offences under the category of 'Death or serious injury - unlawful driving' in Appendix Table A4 and in our Police Force Area data tables. However this is for England and Wales only. 

Data for Scotland are collected and published separately by the Scottish Government. They can be contacted via the following link: Contact -

Crime-related data for Scotland are available on their website: Crime and justice statistics - For enquiries relating to crime and justice statistics in Scotland, you can contact

Additionally, Transport Scotland hold statistics relating to transport and road traffic accidents, and they may be able to assist you. They can be contacted at

If you have any crime-related queries in the future for England and Wales, you can email and we will endeavour to help.