FOI REF: FOI-2023-1305

You asked

I would like to request the latest, most up-to-date copy of the productivity ratio, the calculations, process, and input data. Do you have any data for charities or Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)?

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Our latest Productivity overview publication was published on the 7 July 2023, whilst our most recent UK productivity flash estimate was published on the 15 August 2023. Our next Productivity overview is scheduled for publication on 10 October 2023.  

Information regarding the calculation of these figures, and input data used to produce estimates of labour market productivity, can be found in our Labour Productivity QMI (Quality and Methodology Information) document in sections 3 and 6 respectively. 

The National Audit Office published a report on the third sector, whilst ONS, as part of the National Accounts (Blue Book 22) published economic estimates for the Households and non-profit institutions serving Household's (including Charities).