FOI REF: FOI-2023-1399

You asked

Could you help me collect data for England from February 2022 (the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine) to today? In particular, I'm interested in:

  1. How the number of migrants from Ukraine is changing (dynamics)
  2. How did the arrival of Ukrainians affect: - real estate market; - prices; - education and medicine
  3. I want to pay special attention to the topic of employment in England, so I would be grateful for detailed information about the labour market. Namely: - How many migrants from Ukraine work and in what areas? - How many migrants do not work and why? - Why refugees who speak English well and have a higher education cannot find decent work? - What barriers are there to Ukrainians obtaining work in the UK?

We said

Thank you for your request. Please see the following answers to your questions.


In the following publication, Long-term international migration, provisional - Office for National Statistics (, we provide a specific section on Ukrainians (included in Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates).We estimate there were 114,000 long-term arrivals from Ukraine on the Ukraine Schemes in 2022.

The data table associated with this statistic can be accessed via the following link: Long-term international immigration, emigration and net migration flows, provisional - Office for National Statistics (, YE Dec 2022 dataset on tab 2, Non-EU reason immigration.

The following publication may also be of interest: Visa holders entering the UK under the Ukraine Humanitarian Schemes - Office for National Statistics (

As a comparison, Table 4.03d of Long-term international migration by country of birth for 2019 (the latest available at individual country level) shows that we estimated that 1,100 people migrated from Ukraine to the UK in the year ending December 2019. This estimate, taken from International Passenger Survey data, should be treated with care due to the relatively low number of migrants from Ukraine surveyed.

You might also find useful 'visa granted' information produced by the Home Office, accessible via the following link: Latest HO stats.


Unfortunately, we do not hold an information in scope of this question specifically.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities (DLUHC) may be better placed to answer your query regarding real-estate and prices. 

Regarding Ukrainian refugees and housing more generally, you may find the following analysis useful: Experiences of Homes for Ukrainian scheme sponsors, UK.

For more information about Ukrainian refugees and education and medicine, you may wish to contact the Department for Education (DfE) and the UK Health Security Agency (


Data regarding the employment of Ukrainian visa holders is available via the UK Humanitarian Response Insight Survey (UKHRIS), collected by ONS in collaboration with the Home Office and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

The most recent publication can be found here: Visa holders entering the UK under the Ukraine Humanitarian Schemes: 27 April to 15 May 2023. This includes data on employment status, sector of work, and use of employment services.

Data on employment by region of residence is also available via the following link: Visa holders entering the UK under the Ukraine Humanitarian Schemes, summary statistics of employment and English language, Wave 3: UK, 27 April to 15 May 2023.

Data on employment status and sector of work by English language proficiency can be accessed via the following link: Visa holders entering the UK under the Ukraine Humanitarian Schemes, Wave 3, employment and English language proficiency: UK, 27 April to 15 May 2023

Regarding barriers to employment, the Humanitarian Outcomes Survey includes data on difficulties gaining employment, recognition of qualifications gained outside the UK, and sector of work: Visa holders entering the UK under the Ukraine Humanitarian Schemes, Outcomes Survey: 27 February to 13 March 2023.

Furthermore, data from the UK Humanitarian Response Insight Follow-up Survey (UKHRIS), including difficulties gaining employment, is accessible via the following link: Visa holders entering the UK under the Ukraine Humanitarian Schemes -- Follow-up survey: 17 October to 7 November 2022.

Unfortunately, we do not hold specific analysis of barriers to employment by English language proficiency or level of qualifications.

UKHRIS data are experimental statistics, and we have provided data as percentages. This is because the UKHRIS is designed to give indications of scale rather than population estimates.