FOI REF: FOI-2023-1413

You asked

  1. How are Long-Leasehold homes categorised in the National Census?
  2. Is any distinction made between Long-Leasehold Homes and other Owner-Occupied Homes in the National Census?

We said

Thank you for your request.

Census 2021 did not ask householders whether their property was leasehold or freehold. Respondents were asked to select from the following categories on the household questionnaire

  • Owns outright
  • Owns with a mortgage or loan
  • Part-owns and part-rents (shared ownership)
  • Rents (with or without housing benefit)
  • Lives here rent-free

Census 2021 statistics for tenure, together with other information about this topic can be found on the ONS website.

If you have any further Census enquiries you can contact the Census team directly at: