
You asked

Can you please inform me: 

During the calendar years of 2022 and 2023 

1 - How many Freedom of Information requests you received 

1a - What was your compliance rate (meaning, how many percent of requests did you respond to within the 20 working days or within the allowed extension time frame)?  

1b - How many Internal Reviews were you requested under the FOIA? 

1c - How many ICO appeals under FOIA? 

1d - Do you have a backlog of cases and if so, how many? 

2 - How many Subject Access Requests you received  

2a -  What was your compliance rate (meaning, how many percent of requests did you respond to within the 30 days or within the allowed extension time frame)?

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Freedom of Information requests

We report the number of FOI requests received, timeliness figures, and outcomes to the Cabinet Office (CO) every quarter. These statistics are published on CO's website. 

The requested data between January 2022 to September 2023 are accessible via the following link: Cabinet Office Freedom of Information statistics

We have received 216 requests in Q4 2023, and our timeliness compliance rate for October and November 2023 is 95%. We do not yet hold a compliance rate for December 2023, as we are still in the statutory 20-working day timeframe for these requests. 

The number of internal reviews and ICO appeals received are reported to the Cabinet Office annually.  

Figures for 2022 can be found via the following link: Cabinet Office Freedom of Information Statistics: Annual 2022

Internal reviews received in 2023: 10 

Appeals to the ICO received in 2023: 2 

As of 17/01/2023, the number of FOI cases we currently have open is 42. 

Subject Access Requests (SARs)

SARs received between 1 Jan and 31 December for both years 2022 and 2023: 118 

Timeliness: 93% were answered within a calendar month, and 6% were answered within the extended period of an additional two months due to their complexity.  

In all cases we endeavour to answer information rights requests as soon as possible and in any event within the statutory timeframes. In the instances where this is not possible, we ensure we keep requesters informed of delays and provide a response at the earliest opportunity.