FOI Ref: FOI/2021/2927

You asked

Please supply information on a​dverse reactions and deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine from the date it was first rolled out for public.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry into deaths and adverse reactions involving the COVID-19 vaccinations.

You can find the number of deaths involving adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccination (not restricted to first or second vaccination) in table 12 of our Monthly Mortality Analysis dataset.

There are currently 4 deaths registered with the aligning ICD-10 codes for this (U12.9). The latest data available is August 2021. Data for September will be published mid-October 2021.

The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority publish the Yellow Card Scheme which records self-reported adverse reactions to vaccinations. For further information on the Yellow Card scheme, please contact the on

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