FOI Ref: FOI/2022/3968

You asked

Please supply the following information:

All deaths aged 12-19 occurring over the last 5 years, especially on or after 1st May 2021 to date, by:

a. Age (whether in the 12-15 or 16-19 age group)

b. Sex

c. Whether the individual had dose 1 of a Covid-19 vaccine (and whether Moderna or Pfizer, the manufacturer)

d. Whether the individual had dose 2 of a Covid-19 vaccine (and whether Moderna or Pfizer, the manufacturer)

e. If applicable, the number of days death followed dose 1 (if dose 2 was not administered) or the number of days death followed dose 2 (if administered)

We said

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we do not hold the analysis requested. This information would need to be created, involving linking the raw deaths data to vaccinations data, and cleaning the resulting data (for example where there are erroneous vaccination records). This data would then need to be manipulated, to determine the variables needed and calculate days from last vaccination to death for each person to produce the table requested.

Ordinarily, we would look to see if we could create a bespoke analysis for a piece of work of this size. Unfortunately, we would be unable to guarantee we could provide you with the exact information requested as, once created, this dataset would be disclosive. This would be due to the small number of deaths in the requested age groups and the number of additional variables requested.

However, you may be interested in our regular publication on deaths by vaccination status, available via the following link: Deaths by vaccination status, England - Office for National Statistics. This covers deaths from January 2021 to January 2022. This publication uses death occurrences registered up to 16 February, rather than death registrations. Due to registration delays, more deaths may be registered at later dates, leading to an increase in the death occurrences. This is especially true for more recent deaths.

Table 2 of this publication provides analysis of deaths by vaccination status and age group for England for the population in the Public Health Data Asset, which may be of use to you. In addition, Table 4 provides this data by sex and Table 5 by sex and age group.

Please note, this dataset does not represent the whole of the English population. We have used a sample of the population in our Public Health Data Asset (PHDA), which covers around 79% of people. This coverage varies by age. This methodology was implemented to provide an accurate population in order to calculate rates.

You may also be interested to know that we are currently looking into plans to produce data very similar to the requested analysis in the future. Please keep an eye on our release calendar for updates: