FOI ref: FOI-2024-2086

You asked

Could you please provide a table that maps a UK Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 2007 code to a corresponding North American Industry Classification (NAIC)?

We said

Thank you for your request. 

We do not hold the requested information. However, the following information may be useful for you. 

In response to your request for a mapping between NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) and UK SIC (UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities). There is no direct correspondence table from NAICS to UK SIC. 

The international economic activity classifications have the following alignment: 

ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities) is the UN (United Nations) global classification, to which the Eurostat NACE (statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community**)** classification aligns exactly at the 2 digit level and at the 3 digit level in some instances. 

NAICS has correspondence tables to align with ISIC available on the US Census webpages 

  • 2022 NAICS to ISIC Rev. 4 [XLSX, 123KB] 

  • ISIC Rev. 4 to 2022 NAICS [XLSX, 118KB] 

The current UK SIC 2007 is identical down to the 4 digit level of NACE. The UK has in some instances chosen to disaggregate further to a 5 digit code which better reflects the UK economy. 

In summary to get from NAICS to UK SIC: 

Please note that international classifications ISIC and NACE have recently been revised.  The latest versions are ISIC rev. 5 and NACE rev. 2.1.  Following the now closed Public Consultation, revision of UK SIC 2007 will begin in the coming year. Therefore, there are no correspondence tables available for UK SIC 2007 to these latest releases. 

The following provides some further links and background on the international classifications mentioned in your request. 

Available from Eurostat Classification Webpages:

Available from UN Statistics Classifications Webpages:

Available on ONS webpages:

Information on UK SIC can be found on ONS's webpage: UK SIC 2007 - Office for National Statistics