FOI REF: FOI/2023/4961

You asked

​With regards to people listed as European in the 2021 Census I would like to see the response to the FOI request that can be found on your web site here.

Your initial response suggests that an answer will be provided in Spring 2022. We are nearly a year on from that date. Can we now see the answer to the question?

We said

Thank you for your request,

There were 426,397 people within the 'Other identity only: European: Non-EU countries: Other European' category. Those identifying as 'European' were included within this category alongside some other national identities (e.g. Moldavian, Icelandic and Georgian).  

From Phase 3 of our Census 2021 release plans, it will be possible to request a write-in count for people who identified as 'European'. As with all census outputs, the detail that can be released will be subject to confidentiality (disclosure control) checks.