FOI REF: ​FOI/2023/4976

You asked

In relation to the monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales, January 2023 published on 23 February 2023:

Please can you provide the 5 year age band components of the under 75 person age standardised mortality (ASM) figures for England, for each month from January 2021 to January 2023 (inclusive of both). Or alternatively can you please provide the age specific mortality rates for those 5 year age bands used to calculate these under age 75 ASMs.

That is the breakdown of the person figures in the accompanying Monthly Mortality Analysis dataset in cells K6 to K30 of sheet 4 (Age-standardised mortality rates by sex, ages 0 to 74 years, deaths registered in January 2001 to January 2023, England) into the 5 year components from which the under 75 rate is calculated (or the corresponding age specific mortality rates if this is easier to provide).

If it is not possible to provide figures for all these 5 year age groups, please can you supply the 5 year components or age specific rates above, for the 5 year age groups from age 40-44 upwards

We said

Thank you for your enquiry

Further disaggregation of the data held in the Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales can be produced as a bespoke output. Special extracts and tabulations of mortality data are available to order from the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight Customer Service team. These extracts are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources, and agreement costs under the ONS charging policy.

Please note, 2022 and 2023 data is in provisional format and is therefore subject to change, this is to allow the inclusion of late registrations which are deaths referred for Coroner investigation.

If you would like to discuss further, or to obtain a quote please contact