FOI REF: FOI-2023-1218

You asked

Please can you provide the latest updated information including the probability of automation by 3-digit SOC and the number of jobs at low, medium or high risk of automation in England, from the years 2018-2023, respectively. Where possible, can you please also provide the industry breakdown by risk level.

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Unfortunately, we do not hold the information you have requested.

The original analysis covered the years 2011-2017. No further analysis was conducted outside of this date range and no data is currently held that covers the requested range of 2018-2023. 

Producing an updated analysis covering this requested date range is not feasible due to the differences in SOC2010 and SOC2020 codes requiring extensive quality assurance to ensure data quality is sufficient to enable comparability between years before 2020 and after 2020.  

Additionally, the analysis is reliant on data generated in 2013 by an external party to ONS that has not been replicated since. As time from that date increases, developments in automation mean this data becomes increasingly unreliable, impacting on the quality of our estimates. 

We may publish additional analysis in this area in the future, but we have not yet made an assessment on whether this would be feasible, given the issues addressed.

However, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) commissioned PwC to compile the following report in 2021, which may be useful for you: The Potential Impact of Artificial Intelligence on UK Employment and the Demand for Skills.

The Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology (formerly BEIS) FOI team may be better placed to assist with your request. They can be contacted at