FOI REF: FOI-2023-1326

You asked

Please could I request the same data as per the release on your website named Turnover in SIC classes (published 11 Otcober 2022) - Analysis showing the count and turnover (£'000s) of VAT and/or PAYE based enterprises in the United Kingdom by UK SIC 2007 class.

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request pertaining to our bespoke release, Turnover in SIC classes, which shows the count of enterprises and corresponding turnover by 4 digit SIC for the years 2015 to 2022.

The information you have requested is available to order from our IDBR Customer Service team. Such services are subject to legal frameworks, resources and agreement of costs. If you would like to request this bespoke dataset, please contact to discuss your enquiry further. Please note, there will be a charge for this work which would be subject to our charging policy.  

As this information is reasonably accessible via another route, even if only accessible on payment, Section 21(2)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) applies.  

Data similar to your request on the Business, Industry, and Trade section of the ONS website.