FOI ref: FOI-2023-1511

You asked

Please provide:

  • A copy of your data quality policy and/or strategy
  • A copy of any routine training and learning material provided to colleagues
  • A copy of any policy or procedure document used to support data quality processes or procedures (data classification, data lifecyle mapping, data entry)
  • Confirmation of any key performance indicators used to measure data quality (I am not looking for statistics, only a summary of the KPI)

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Please see the following link to the ONS Data Strategy, which has a specific mission in relation to data quality.  

The following courses on data quality (and supporting topics) are made available to colleagues: 

The ONS Data Quality Management Policy is in the process of being published and will be made available as part of the Data Policies. The policy sets out the requirements to support effective management of data quality across the data lifecycle. As such, Section 22 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) applies to this information.

To support the implementation of the overall data quality mission of the ONS Data Strategy at an organisational level, the following key performance indicators have been put in place: 

  • Percentage of datasets designated as critical (for the organisation and/ or government) where the quality of the data is being regularly assessed (at a data-value level) before use 

  • Percentage of high priority Data Maturity Improvement plan actions that are reported as on track / green 

  • Percentage of data quality management policy implementation plan actions that are reported as on track / green