FOI Ref: FOI/2022/3659

You asked

​Please supply the amount of admissions to ICU/ITU wards that are unvaccinated in the Grange Hospital, Torfaen, South Wales for September 1st 2021 to January 5th 2022.

Please supply the amount of people that have died from Covid-19 in Wales, from September 2021 to January 5th 2022.

We said

​Thank you for your enquiry.

Deaths registered in Wales

ONS hold mortality data for England and Wales, based on the information collected at death registration.

Latest numbers of weekly deaths for England and Wales, for 2021 to 2022 are available in our provisional weekly deaths publication.  You can access the datasets here. Latest data available for week ending 4th February 2022 (Week 5). This publication is updated every Tuesday at 9:30am.


Daily information on hospital admissions of COVID-19 patients (suspected and confirmed) and hospitalisation for Wales are published via StatsWales. Figures show the number of admissions and people in hospital by hospital type, local health board and date.

ONS publish Hospital admissions with coronavirus, but this information is for England only and we do not hold the most up-to-date information on hospitalisations. Our data on hospital episodes is obtained from the Hospital Episode Statistics published by NHS Digital.  We use this data to determine pre-existing conditions and general health of individuals, but not to analyse recent hospitalisations due to COVID-19.


Vaccination data for Wales are currently published by Public Health Wales.

ONS produce a Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England publication, which presents deaths occurring between 1 January and 31 October 2021. This analysis shows vaccination status within or exceeding 21 days, as this is the timeframe whereby the vaccine is deemed most effective.

The data in this publication are available for England only, as vaccinations data for Wales is not yet available to be linked to the mortality dataset and the Public Health Data Asset (PHDA) dataset covers England only. More information is available in the methods and measuring the data section of the publication.

Vaccination status is assessed at date of death and includes those who:

  • were unvaccinated
  • received only the first dose, less than 21 days ago
  • received only the first dose, at least 21 days ago
  • received the second dose, less than 21 days ago
  • received the second dose, at least 21 days ago

A further release is provisionally scheduled for February 2022; final date of publication will be announced on our Release Calendar.

This publication does not cover deaths 'due to' vaccination but is for all deaths by vaccination status. The number of deaths where an adverse reaction to the vaccine was mentioned on the death certificate, England and Wales, can be found in Table 12 of our Monthly mortality analysis.

If you wish to discuss this further, please contact