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  • Business insights and impact on the UK economy

    The impact of challenges facing the economy and other events on UK businesses. Based on responses from the voluntary fortnightly business survey (BICS) to deliver real-time information to help assess issues affecting UK businesses and economy, including financial performance, workforce, trade, and business resilience.

  • Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators

    Early data on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and innovative methods. These are official statistics in development.

  • Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional

    Provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the latest weeks.

  • Regional gross disposable household income, UK

    Annual estimates of regional gross disposable household income (GDHI) for the UK International Territorial Level (ITL) regions, local and combined authorities, and other economic regions.

  • Mergers and acquisitions involving UK companies

    Transactions that result in a change of ultimate control of the target company and have a value of £1 million or more.

  • Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators

    Early data on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and innovative methods. These are official statistics in development.

  • Quarterly suicide death registrations in England

    Provisional rate and number of suicide deaths registered in England per quarter. Includes 2001 to 2023 registrations and provisional data for Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) to Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2024. These are official statistics in development.

  • Suicides in England and Wales

    Registered deaths from suicide in England and Wales, analysed by sex, age, area of usual residence of the deceased, and suicide method.

  • Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional

    Provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the latest weeks.

  • Household Costs Indices for UK household groups

    Household Costs Indices, 12-month growth rates, expenditure shares and contributions for UK household groups and all-households.