177 results , sorted by title
50% future EU migration variant - UK population in age groups
The 50% future EU migration variant projection for the UK - population by five-year age groups and sex. Not National Statistics.Allweddeiriau: future population, future life expectancy, future migration, 2016npp, XD2-1, 2018npp
50% future EU migration variant - UK summary
The 50% future EU migration variant projection for the UK - population by age group, components of change and summary statistics. Not National Statistics.Allweddeiriau: future population, future life expectancy, future migration, 2016npp, XD1-1, 2018npp
50% future EU migration variant - Wales population in age groups
The 50% future EU migration variant projection for Wales - population by five-year age groups and sex. Not National Statistics.Allweddeiriau: future population, future life expectancy, future migration, XD2-5, 2016npp, 2018npp
50% future EU migration variant - Wales summary
The 50% future EU migration variant projection for Wales - population by age group, components of change and summary statistics. Not National Statistics.Allweddeiriau: future population, future life expectancy, future migration, 2016npp, XD1-5, 2018npp
Calculating State Pension age: Pensions Act 2014
How the projected subnational population at UK State Pension age can be calculated, accounting for the changes to the State Pension age under the Pensions Act 2014. -
High fertility variant - England population in age groups
High fertility variant projection for England - population by five-year age groups and sex.Allweddeiriau: B2-4, 2016npp, 2018npp
High fertility variant - England summary
High fertility variant projection for England including population by broad age group, components of change and summary statistics.Allweddeiriau: B1-4, 2016npp, 2018npp
High fertility variant - Northern Ireland population in age groups
High fertility variant projection for Northern Ireland - population by five-year age groups and sex.Allweddeiriau: B2-7, 2016npp, 2018npp
High fertility variant - Northern Ireland summary
High fertility variant projection for Northern Ireland including population by broad age group, components of change and summary statistics.Allweddeiriau: B1-7, 2016npp, 2018npp
High fertility variant - Scotland population in age groups
High fertility variant projection for Scotland - population by five-year age groups and sex.Allweddeiriau: B2-6, 2016npp, 2018npp