Crynodeb o'r cais

This table provides Census 2021 estimates that classify All households (excluding caravans or other mobile or temporary structures); All households; Number of cars or vans in the area by Accommodation type (excluding caravans or other mobile or temporary structures) by number of bedrooms (1 to 4 or more) by car or van availability; Number of households in the area; Number of cars or vans in the area.

Geographical level: Selected lower tier local authorities in East of England region (Basildon, Brentwood, Castle Point, Rochford, Southend-on-Sea, Thurrock); Electoral wards in Southend-on-Sea (East of England region)

Source: Census 2021 (21 March 2021)


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Lawrlwyth cysylltiol ar cais

Lawrlwyth cysylltiol ar cais

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