Internal migration, England and Wales: Year Ending June 2015
Beth sydd yn y bwletin?
- There were an estimated 2.85 million residents moving between local authorities in England and Wales between July 2014 and June 2015. This is the same level shown the previous year.
- There were 53,200 moves from England and Wales to Northern Ireland and Scotland, compared with 45,600 from Northern Ireland and Scotland to England and Wales. This means there was a net internal migration loss for England and Wales of 7,600 people.
- For the total number of internal migration moves the sex ratio is fairly neutral; in the year to June 2015, 1.4 million (48%) of moves were males and 1.5 million (52%) were females.
Datasets related to Ymfudo o fewn y DU
Local area migration indicators, UK (Discontinued after 2020)
Different migration-related data sources at local authority level including migration flows, non-UK-born and non-British populations, National Insurance number registrations, GP registrations, and births to non-UK-born mothers.
Internal migration: detailed estimates by origin and destination local authorities, age and sex
Annual mid-year data on internal migration moves into and out of each local authority in England and Wales, including moves to and from Scotland and Northern Ireland.
2011 Census: Detailed UK migration statistics
2011 Census internal migration statistics for the UK give estimates that classify people and households in areas within the UK and those having moved from each area to elsewhere within the UK in the year preceding the Census.
Internal migration: by local authority and region, five-year age group and sex
Annual mid-year data on internal migration moves for England and Wales, by local authority, region, five-year age group and sex.
Internal migration: by local authority and region, age and sex
Annual mid-year data on internal migration moves for England and Wales, by local authority, region, age and sex.
Publications related to Ymfudo o fewn y DU
Statistical bulletins
Internal migration, England and Wales: Year Ending June 2015
Residential moves between local authorities and regions in England and Wales, as well as moves to or from the rest of the UK (Scotland and Northern Ireland).
Methodology related to Ymfudo o fewn y DU
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