All data related to Family spending in the UK: April 2017 to March 2018

  • Percentage of households by economic activity, tenure and socio-economic classification in each gross income decile group: Table A50

    Set ddata | Released on 24 January 2019

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

    Allweddeiriau: living costs, expenditure, families, purchases, what are households buying

  • Percentage of households by size, composition and age in each gross income decile group: Table A49

    Set ddata | Released on 24 January 2019

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

    Allweddeiriau: living costs, expenditure, families, purchases, what are households buying

  • Percentage of households with cars by income group, tenure and household composition: Table A47

    Set ddata | Released on 24 January 2019

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

    Allweddeiriau: living costs, expenditure, families, purchases, what are households buying

  • Percentage of households with durable goods by countries and regions: Table A48

    Set ddata | Released on 24 January 2019

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

    Allweddeiriau: living costs, expenditure, families, purchases, what are households buying

  • Percentage of households with durable goods by income group and household composition: Table A46

    Set ddata | Released on 24 January 2019

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

    Allweddeiriau: living costs, expenditure, families, purchases, what are households buying

  • Percentage of households with durable goods: Table A45

    Set ddata | Released on 24 January 2019

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

    Allweddeiriau: living costs, expenditure, families, purchases, what are households buying