1. Survey information
These questions are for Wave 123 of the fortnightly Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) dispatched on 16 December 2024.
Nôl i'r tabl cynnwys2. Trading status of your business
Which of the following statements best describes your business's trading status?
Currently fully trading
Currently partially trading
Paused trading but intends to restart in the next two weeks
Paused trading and does not intend to restart in the next two weeks
Permanently ceased trading
3. Supply chains
Which of the following factors, if any, is your business concerned about impacting supply chains over the next 12 months?
Artificial Intelligence
Climate change
Cyber attacks
Increased barriers to trade
International conflict
Market distorting practices
Shipping disruption
Not sure
Business is not concerned about factors impacting supply chains over the next 12 months
How does your business expect these factors to impact supply chains?
Increased costs of sourcing materials
Increased labour costs
Increased transportation costs
Shortage of inputs
Not sure
Business does not expect these factors to impact supply chains
Which of the following actions, if any, did your business take to increase supply chain resilience in the last 12 months?
Demand management
Diversification of suppliers across a broader range of countries
Improved relationships with key suppliers
Increased awareness of supply chains
Relocated existing sourcing to another country
Stockpiling and surge capacity
Not sure
Not applicable
Which of the following actions, if any, does your business plan to take to increase supply chain resilience over the next 12 months?
Demand management
Diversification of suppliers across a broader range of countries
Improve relationships with key suppliers
Increase awareness of supply chains
Relocate existing sourcing to another country
Stockpiling and surge capacity
Not sure
Not applicable
4. Workforce management
Has your business gone through a collective redundancy consultation in the last 12 months?
Not sure
Not applicable
Approximately, how many redundancies did your business make following this collective redundancy consultation process?
More than 120
Between 100 and 119
Between 60 and 99
Between 20 and 59
Between 1 and 19
Not sure
Approximately, how many redundancies was your business considering before the collective redundancy consultation process?
More than 120
Between 100 and 119
Between 60 and 99
Between 20 and 59
Between 1 and 19
Not sure
Has your business gone through the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) process in the last 5 years?
Not sure
Approximately, how often has your business gone through the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) process in the last 5 years?
Once per year
Every 2 years
Every 3 to 5 years
Not sure
It was a one time occasion
Approximately, what proportion of your employees were transferred by Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) the last time your business went through the process?
More than 75%
Between 50% and 75%
Between 25% and 49%
Less than 25%
Not sure
5. Environment
Is your business concerned about the impact climate change may have on the business?
Yes, very concerned
Yes, somewhat concerned
No, not concerned
Not sure
Which of the following actions, if any, has your business taken to protect the environment?
Has a climate change strategy
Has a net zero or greenhouse gas emissions target
Has a net zero or greenhouse gas emissions target which includes supply chain
Has a nature or biodiversity strategy
Has a nature or biodiversity target
Has a nature or biodiversity target which includes supply chain
Monitors climate-related risks
Monitors nature or biodiversity-related risks
Publishes an annual sustainability report
Not sure
None of the above
Which of the following actions, if any, has your business taken to reduce carbon emissions?
Adjusting heating and cooling systems
Electrifying your vehicle fleet
Installing a smart meter
Installing charging points
Installing your own renewable electricity or heating
Insulating your buildings
Introducing a cycle to work scheme
Switching to LED bulbs
Not sure
No actions have been taken to reduce emissions
6. Technology
Which of the following artificial intelligence technologies, if any, does your business currently use?
Autonomous vehicles
Data processing using machine learning
Image processing using machine learning
Text generation using Large Language Models
Visual content creation
Not sure
Business does not currently use artificial intelligence technologies
What does your business currently use artificial intelligence technologies for?
Develop a new product or service
Explore a new market
Improve business operations
Provide, or personalise, products or services to customers
Not sure
Not applicable
How did your business adopt these artificial intelligence technologies?
Developed in-house
Outsourced to external providers or third parties
Through purchase of external software or ready-to-use
Not sure
Not applicable
Which of the following artificial intelligence technologies, if any, does your business plan to adopt within the next three months?
Autonomous vehicles
Data processing using machine learning
Image processing using machine learning
Text generation using Large Language Models
Visual content creation
Not sure
Business does not plan to adopt artificial intelligence technologies in the next 3 months
What does your business plan to adopt artificial intelligence technologies for?
Develop a new product or service
Explore a new market
Improve business operations
Provide, or personalise, products or services to customers
Not sure
Not applicable
In the last three months, which, if any, of the following factors have prevented or delayed your business from adopting artificial intelligence technologies?
Difficulty identifying business use cases
Employee concern about any potential impact of using artificial intelligence technologies
Level of expertise in artificial intelligence
Product or service availability
Security concerns
Uncertainty about government regulations or industry standards
Not sure
Business has not attempted to use artificial intelligence technologies
Business has not been prevented or experienced delays in the adoption of artificial intelligence technologies
7. Private equity funding
Is your business currently either fully or partly owned by a private equity firm or fund?
Not sure
Has your business ever received private equity funding?
Not sure
8. Business operations
Has long do you expect your business's cash reserves will last?
Less than 1 month
1 to 3 months
4 to 6 months
More than 6 months
Not sure
Business has no cash reserves
What is your business's risk of insolvency?
Severe risk
Moderate risk
Low risk
No risk
Not sure
The business is insolvent
How much confidence does your business have that it will meet its current debt obligations?
High confidence
Moderate confidence
Low confidence
No confidence
Not sure
Business does not have any debt obligations
Please tell us anything else about your business's current situation relating to topics covered in this survey