1. Survey information

These questions are for Wave 61 of the fortnightly Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) dispatched on the 11th of July 2022. These are the most up-to-date survey questions.

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2. Trading status of your business

Which of the following statements best describes your business's trading status?

  • Currently fully trading

  • Currently partially trading

  • Paused trading but intends to restart in the next two weeks

  • Paused trading and does not intend to restart in the next two weeks

  • Permanently ceased trading

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3. Exporting

Which of the following statements best describes your business's exporting status?

  • Exported in the last 12 months

  • Exported more than 12 months ago

  • Never exported but have goods or services that could be developed for export

  • Never exported and do not have goods or services suitable for export

  • Not sure

How did your business's exporting in June 2022 compare with this calendar month last year?

  • Exported more

  • Exporting stayed the same

  • Exported less

  • Business was unable to export

  • Not sure

Did your business experience an increase in any of the following exporting challenges in June 2022, compared with the previous calendar month?

  • Additional paperwork

  • Change in transportation costs

  • Customs duties or levies

  • Destination countries changing their border restrictions

  • Disruption at UK borders

  • Finding information on how to export

  • Lack of hauliers to transport goods or lack of logistics equipment

  • Reduced demand for products and services

  • Time taken for checks at the border

  • Work permit or visa restrictions, or lack of mutual recognition of professional qualifications

  • Other

  • Did not experience an increase in any exporting challenges

What was the main cause of these exporting challenges?

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

  • End of the EU transition period

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the end of the EU transition period

  • Other

  • Not sure

Does your business currently use rules of origin to access lower or zero tariffs on exports?

  • Yes, to EU countries

  • Yes, to non-EU countries

  • Yes, to both EU and non-EU countries

  • No

  • Not sure

How has using rules of origin when exporting to the EU changed the amount of administration for your business?

  • Administration has increased

  • Administration has stayed the same

  • Administration has decreased

  • Not sure

Why does your business not currently use rules of origin to access lower or zero tariffs?

  • Administrative costs of rules of origin outweigh the potential tariff saving

  • Exports do not meet rules of origin requirements

  • Lack of understanding, staffing or expertise to use rules of origin

  • The business has attempted to use rules of origin but has been unsuccessful

  • The EU does not charge tariffs on the goods the business exports

  • Other

  • Not sure

  • Not applicable

Nôl i'r tabl cynnwys

4. Importing

Which of the following statements best describes your business's importing status?

  • Imported in the last 12 months

  • Imported more than 12 months ago

  • Never imported

  • Not sure

How did your business's importing in June 2022 compare with this calendar month last year?

  • Imported more

  • Importing stayed the same

  • Imported less

  • Business was unable to import

  • Not sure

Did your business experience an increase in any of the following importing challenges in June 2022, compared with the previous calendar month?

  • Additional paperwork

  • Change in transportation costs

  • Customs duties or levies

  • Disruption at UK borders

  • Finding information on how to import

  • Lack of hauliers to transport goods or lack of logistics equipment

  • Suppliers not customs ready

  • Time taken for checks at the border

  • Other

  • Did not experience an increase in any importing challenges

What was the main cause of these importing challenges?

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

  • End of the EU transition period

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the end of the EU transition period

  • Other

  • Not sure

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5. UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marking

Does your business manufacture, import, or distribute products that require either a CE marking or the new UKCA marking?

  • Yes, we manufacture products that need a CE or UKCA marking

  • Yes, we import products that need a CE or UKCA marking

  • Yes, we distribute products that need a CE or UKCA marking

  • Not sure

  • No, we do not manufacture, import or distribute products that need a CE or UKCA marking

Is your business aware that most CE marked products need to be UKCA marked from 1 January 2023?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

Is your business using, or intending to use, the UKCA marking by 1 January 2023?

  • Already using UKCA marking

  • Not aware of, or do not know how to meet, requirements for the UKCA

  • Not using the UKCA marking, but plan to by 1 January 2023

  • Will not use UKCA marking, as not relevant to our products or business

  • Not sure

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6. Supply chains

Has your business had any extra costs due to the end of the EU transition period?

  • Additional transportation costs

  • Costs associated with changing supply chains

  • Costs associated with the storage of goods

  • Costs due to increased red tape

  • Costs incurred from wasted goods

  • Cost of setting up EU subsidiaries

  • Extra costs in the prices of goods and services imported

  • Extra tariffs or taxes

  • Other

  • Not sure

  • No extra costs

Does your business intend to open any new branches or subsidiaries in the EU in the next 12 months?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

Was your business able to get the materials, goods or services it needed from within the UK in June 2022?

  • Yes, the business was able to get the materials, goods or services it needed

  • Yes, but the business had to change suppliers or find alternative solutions

  • No, the business was not able to get the materials, goods or services needed

  • Not applicable

How much disruption to your business have these challenges caused?

  • Major disruption

  • Moderate disruption

  • Minor disruption

  • No disruption

  • Not sure

Did your business experience any global supply chain disruption in June 2022?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

  • Not applicable

Which of the following, if any, will be the main concern for your business in August 2022?

  • Business rates

  • Competition

  • Energy prices

  • Exchange rates

  • Inflation of goods and services prices

  • Interest rates

  • Supply chain disruption

  • Taxation

  • Other

  • Not sure

  • No concerns for the business

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7. Sending goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland

Has your business sent goods from GB to Northern Ireland in the last 12 months?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

In June 2022, how did the volume of goods your business sent from GB to Northern Ireland compare with the previous calendar month?

  • Volume increased

  • Volume stayed the same

  • Volume decreased

  • Stopped sending goods to Northern Ireland

  • Not sure

  • Not applicable

Please give more details about why the volume of goods sent from GB to Northern Ireland changed in June 2022

  • Comments
Nôl i'r tabl cynnwys

8. Operational performance

Is your business using, or intending to use, any of the following safety measures in the workplace?

  • Adjusted working practices

  • Carbon dioxide monitors

  • Customer coronavirus (COVID-19) checks

  • Hygiene measures

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Social distancing

  • Temperature checks

  • Other

  • Not sure

  • None of the above

Is your business providing regular coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for its workforce?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

What percentage of your workforce are receiving regular coronavirus (COVID-19) testing?

  • Approximate percentage of your workforce receiving regular testing

  • Not sure

Is your business currently experiencing a shortage of workers?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

  • Not applicable

How has the shortage of workers affected your business?

  • Employees working increased hours

  • Had to pause trading entirely

  • Had to pause trading of some of the business

  • Had to recruit temporary workers

  • Unable to meet demands

  • Other

  • Not sure

  • Business has not been affected

On average, how did employees' hourly wages in June 2022 compare with employees' hourly wages in the previous calendar month?

  • Wages increased

  • Wages stayed the same

  • Wages decreased

  • Not sure

Has your business offered employees a one-off cost of living payment in the last three months?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

  • Not applicable

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9. Industrial action

Was your business affected by industrial action in June 2022?

  • Yes, the business was affected

  • No, the business was not affected

  • Not sure

  • Not applicable

  • Prefer not to say

How was your business affected by industrial action in June 2022?

  • Business was unable to obtain necessary goods

  • Business was unable to obtain necessary services

  • Business was unable to operate fully

  • Part or all of the workforce were directly involved in industrial action

  • Workforce had to change their working location

  • Workforce were unable to perform their roles

  • Other

  • Not sure

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Please tell us anything else about your business's current situation relating to topics covered in this survey

  • Comments
Nôl i'r tabl cynnwys

Manylion cyswllt ar gyfer y Erthygl

Emily Hopson
Ffôn: +44 1633 455 592