Published data related to crime and justice

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  • Experiences of harassment prevalence and nature tables, England and Wales

    Estimates on the experiences and nature of harassment from the Crime Survey for England and Wales.

  • Violence against women and girls: Data landscape

    A comprehensive list of data sources relating to violence against women and girls, bringing together a range of different sources from across government, academia and the voluntary sector.

  • Partner abuse in detail

    Data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales on the prevalence and nature of partner abuse.

  • Domestic abuse victim services

    Data from different organisations on the availability of domestic abuse services and the characteristics of service users.

  • Property crime tables, England and Wales

    Annual data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and metal theft offences recorded by the police, including demographic and offence type breakdowns and time series data.

  • Crime Severity Score (Experimental Statistics)

    Crime Severity Score (CSS) data for police force areas and community safety partnerships, which equate in the majority of instances to local authorities. Includes a data tool to enable production of summary charts on trends and comparisons between areas.

  • Sexual offences prevalence and victim characteristics, England and Wales

    Sexual offence numbers, prevalence and victim characteristics, including breakdowns by type of incident, sex, victim-perpetrator relationship and location based upon findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales and police recorded crime.

  • Sexual offences victim services

    Data from different organisations on the availability of services for victims of sexual offences and the characteristics of service users.

  • Crime victimisation and equality in England and Wales

    Odds ratios of having been a victim of crime by various characteristics in the year ending March 2020, using data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales with geographical coverage of England and Wales.

  • The links between young people being imprisoned, school quality and pupil background: data

    Data on how background characteristics and school quality are linked with the criminal justice system interactions of young people in England, including the sample, logistic regression method, and analysis conducted.