Births in England and Wales: 2023
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- There were 591,072 live births in England and Wales, the lowest number of births since 1977 (569,259).
- The total fertility rate (TFR) in England and Wales dropped to 1.44 children per woman, its lowest value since records began in 1938; Wales and the North West of England experienced the largest declines in TFR compared with 2022.
- The average age of fathers increased to 33.8, while mothers' average age remains stable at 30.9 compared with 2022; age-specific fertility rates declined in almost all age groups.
Datasets related to Marw-enedigaethau
Child mortality (death cohort) tables in England and Wales
Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths occurring annually in England and Wales, and associated risk factors.
Birth characteristics
Annual live births in England and Wales by sex, birthweight, gestational age, ethnicity and month. Maternities by place of birth and with multiple births. Stillbirths by age of parents and calendar quarter.
Births in England and Wales: summary tables
Live births and stillbirths annual summary statistics, by sex, age of mother, whether within marriage or civil partnership, percentage of non-UK-born mothers, birth rates and births by month and mothers' area of usual residence.
Publications related to Marw-enedigaethau
Statistical bulletins
Births in England and Wales: 2023
Annual live births, stillbirths, maternities, and fertility rates in England and Wales by factors including parent age, ethnicity, deprivation, gestational age, and birthweight.
Pregnancy and ethnic factors influencing births and infant mortality: 2013
Death rates of pre-term, full-term and post-term babies and various factors that may influence their survival.
Child and infant mortality in England and Wales: 2022
Stillbirths, infant and childhood deaths occurring annually in England and Wales, and associated risk factors.
Deaths registered in England and Wales: 2023
Registered deaths by age, sex, selected underlying causes of death and the leading causes of death. Contains death rates and death registrations by area of residence and single year of age.
Methodology related to Marw-enedigaethau
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