63 Erthyglau that are related to Deaths , sorted by release date
Obesity and mortality during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, England: 24 January 2020 to 30 August 2022 (Latest release)
The risk of death during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic among people aged 30 to 64 years with and without obesityAllweddeiriau: obese, SARS-COV-2, overweight
Excess mortality during heat-periods: 1 June to 31 August 2022 (Latest release)
Joint analytical article between the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) on deaths during heat-periods in 2022.Allweddeiriau: heatwaves, death, summer, weather, hot
Excess deaths in England and Wales: March 2020 to June 2022 (Latest release)
Number of excess deaths, including deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and due to other causes. Including breakdowns by age, sex and geography.Allweddeiriau: Leading cause of death, Excess Mortality, COVID-19
Deaths due to COVID-19, registered in England and Wales: 2021 (Latest release)
Deaths registered in England and Wales due to coronavirus (COVID-19) by age, sex, region, place of death, and pre-existing condition.Allweddeiriau: mortality rates, deaths registered, age standardised mortality rates, mortality
Estimating suicide among higher education students, England and Wales: Experimental Statistics: 2017 to 2020 (Latest release)
Estimates of suicides among higher education students by sex, age and ethnicity between the academic year ending 2017 and the academic year ending 2020.Allweddeiriau: study, undergraduate, postgraduate, full-time, part-time
Subnational statistics and analysis, current and upcoming work: May 2022 (Latest release)
A summary of the ONS’ current and future work related to subnational statistics and analysis.Allweddeiriau: local authorities, regions, labour market, population, census, CurrentAndUpcomingWork
Updated estimates of coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by disability status, England: 24 January 2020 to 9 March 2022 (Latest release)
Estimates of differences in coronavirus (COVID-19) mortality risk by self-reported disability status for deaths occurring up to 9 March 2022, using linked data from the Office for National Statistics’ Public Health Data Asset.Allweddeiriau: COVID19, COVID 19, corona virus, disabled, mortality, disability, disability statistics
Deaths from suicide that occurred in England and Wales: April to December 2020 (Latest release)
Suicides that occurred between April and December 2020 in England and Wales analysed by sex, age, and suicide method.Allweddeiriau: pandemic, self-harm, suicidal, suicide rates, covid suicides
Excess deaths in England and Wales: March 2020 to December 2021 (Latest release)
Number of excess deaths, including deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and due to other causes. Including breakdowns by age, sex and geography.Allweddeiriau: coronavirus, cause of death, excess deaths, covid-19, deaths
Deaths involving COVID-19 in the care sector, England and Wales: deaths registered between week ending 20 March 2020 and week ending 21 January 2022 (Latest release)
Provisional figures on deaths registered involving the COVID-19 in care homes in England and Wales, during waves one and two of the coronavirus pandemic.Allweddeiriau: care homes, mortality, death registrations, care residents, cause of death