Provides files to download data as it existed for this dataset on previous dates.

Statistics are most often revised for 1 of 2 reasons:

  1. For certain statistics initial estimates are released with the expectation that these may be revised and updated as further data becomes available.
  2. Revisions may also be made when methods or systems are changed.

These types of planned revisions should not be confused with errors in released statistics, which are genuine mistakes. Such mistakes occur rarely and, when they do happen, corrections are made in a timely manner, announced and clearly explained to users in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (Principle 2, Practice 7).

Latest version

xlsx (90.6 kB)

Previous versions

Superseded files Reason for update Date superseded
xlsx (77.4 kB) Scheduled update/revision 14 June 2024 09:30
xlsx (66.0 kB) Scheduled update/revision 16 May 2024 09:30
xlsx (58.1 kB) Scheduled update/revision 15 April 2024 09:30
xlsx (474.3 kB) Scheduled update/revision 15 March 2024 09:30

Important notes and usage information

If you are looking for the latest data on deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) registered in England and Wales, please see our weekly provisional deaths dataset.


These figures are presented by regions (within England), unitary authorities, counties, health authorities, districts and London boroughs.

Monthly death registrations in the latest dataset are revised each month to provide users with the most accurate data. You can read more about changes in numbers of death registrations in the Measuring the data section of our Weekly deaths bulletin. The dataset for each year is finalised once the annual deaths registrations for that year have been published.

Weekly deaths counts cannot be summed to match the counts for monthly deaths as some weeks may span more than one month.

For information on data quality, legislation and procedures relating to mortality statistics, please see our User guide to mortality statistics.

There is an interactive mapping tool that enables trends in mortality to be analysed at the local level.

For mortality data for other UK countries, please see statistics on deaths in Scotland and statistics on deaths in Northern Ireland.