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Published after For example, 29 4 2016
Published before For example, 29 4 2016
  • Deaths registered in England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 15 December 2023

    Annual data on deaths registered by age, sex and selected underlying cause of death. Tables also provide both mortality rates and numbers of deaths over time.

    Allweddeiriau: ICD-10, ICD10, death statistics, mortality rates, cause of death

  • Main tables: Unexplained deaths in infancy, England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 29 November 2023

    Annual data on sudden infant deaths in England and Wales and deaths for which the cause remained unascertained after a full investigation.

    Allweddeiriau: cot death, unascertained deaths, sudden infant deaths, SUDI, SIDS

  • Unexpected deaths in infancy, England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 29 November 2023

    Annual data on unexpected deaths (certified by a coroner) and infant deaths by selected causes in England and Wales.

    Allweddeiriau: cot death, unascertained deaths, sudden infant deaths, SUDI, SIDS

  • Deaths of care home residents, England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 8 November 2023

    Registered deaths of care home residents by underlying cause of death and the leading causes of death. Contains death registrations of care home residents by age, sex and area of usual residence.

    Allweddeiriau: care homes, mortality, deaths registrations, care residents, cause of death

  • Drug-related deaths and suicide in offenders in the community in England and Wales: 2011 to 2021

    Set ddata | Released on 26 October 2023

    Analysis of the risk of suicide and drug-related deaths among offenders in the community, including the number of deaths, standardised mortality ratios and age-standardised rates, England and Wales, 2011 to 2021.
  • Comparisons of all-cause mortality between European countries and regions

    Set ddata | Released on 25 September 2023

    All-cause mortality rates of selected European countries and regions. Breakdowns include sex and broad age group for selected countries and cities.

    Allweddeiriau: excess mortality, ASMR, rcASMR, rASMR, deaths

  • Climate-related mortality and hospital admissions, England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 22 September 2023

    Counts and rates of deaths and hospital admissions associated with temperature for England and Wales from 2001 to 2020.

    Allweddeiriau: climate change, temperature, mortality, heat deaths, cold weather deaths

  • Deaths by vaccination status, England

    Set ddata | Released on 25 August 2023

    Age-standardised mortality rates for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19), non-COVID-19 deaths and all deaths by vaccination status, broken down by age group.

    Allweddeiriau: death, coronavirus, vaccine, vaccinations

  • Deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) by month of registration, UK

    Set ddata | Released on 23 August 2023

    Provisional age-standardised mortality rates for deaths involving COVID-19 by sex and month of death registration, for England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

    Allweddeiriau: Coronavirus, deaths rates, percentage of COVID-19 deaths

  • Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 23 August 2023

    Provisional data on death registrations and death occurrences in England and Wales, broken down by sex and age. Includes deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and leading causes of death.

    Allweddeiriau: cause of death, age-standardised mortality rate, deaths by sex, deaths by age