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Published after For example, 29 4 2016
Published before For example, 29 4 2016
  • Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional

    Set ddata | Released on 24 July 2024

    Provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in England and Wales, by age, sex and region, in the latest weeks for which data are available. Includes the most up-to-date figures available for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Allweddeiriau: mortality, death registrations, cause of death, population

  • Deaths registered monthly in England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 16 July 2024

    Number of deaths registered each month by area of usual residence for England and Wales, by region, county, health authorities, local and unitary authority, and London borough.

    Allweddeiriau: mortality, local area, registrations

  • Impact of registration delays on mortality statistics

    Set ddata | Released on 9 July 2024

    Time taken to register deaths by cause of death, age, sex, certification type and area of usual residence. Includes analysis on infant deaths. England and Wales.

    Allweddeiriau: deaths, registration delays, death registrations, death occurence, mortality

  • Infant mortality (birth cohort) tables in England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 31 May 2024

    Annual statistics on births and infant deaths based on babies born in a calendar year that died before their first birthday linked to their corresponding birth notification and their corresponding death registration.

    Allweddeiriau: neonatal, postneonatal, deaths under one year, mortality rate, death rate

  • Child mortality (death cohort) tables in England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 31 May 2024

    Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths occurring annually in England and Wales, and associated risk factors.

    Allweddeiriau: deaths under one year, neonatal, postneonatal, mortality rate, death rate

  • Deaths registered summary statistics, England and Wales

    Set ddata | Released on 16 May 2024

    Number of deaths registered by year, sex, area of usual residence and selected underlying cause of death.
  • Alcohol-specific deaths in the UK

    Set ddata | Released on 22 April 2024

    Annual data on age-standardised and age-specific alcohol-specific death rates in the UK, its constituent countries and regions of England.

    Allweddeiriau: mortality, drinking, alcoholism, alcohol poisoning, alcohol liver disease

  • Alcohol-specific deaths in England and Wales by local authority

    Set ddata | Released on 22 April 2024

    Annual data on number of deaths, age-standardised death rates and median registration delays for local authorities in England and Wales.

    Allweddeiriau: mortality, drinking, alchoholism, alcohol poisoning, alcoholic liver disease

  • Deaths caused by suicide by quarter in England

    Set ddata | Released on 4 April 2024

    Provisional rate and number of suicide deaths registered in England per quarter. Includes 2001 to 2022 registrations and provisional data for Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) to Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2023.

    Allweddeiriau: self-harm, mortality, death registrations, mortality rates, deaths

  • Deaths registered weekly in Wales, provisional

    Set ddata | Released on 9 January 2024

    Provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in Wales, by age and sex in the latest weeks for which data are available. Includes the most up-to-date figures available for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Allweddeiriau: mortality, death, registrations, cause of death, population