Custom dataset
Population type
- All Household Reference Persons
Area type
- England and Wales
- Change Area type
- England and Wales
- Change Coverage
Country of birth
60 categories
- Europe: United Kingdom: England
- Europe: United Kingdom: Northern Ireland
- Europe: United Kingdom: Scotland
- Europe: United Kingdom: Wales
- Europe: United Kingdom: Great Britain not otherwise specified
- Europe: United Kingdom: United Kingdom not otherwise specified
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Member countries in March 2001: Ireland
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Member countries in March 2001: France
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Member countries in March 2001: Germany
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Member countries in March 2001: Italy
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Member countries in March 2001: Portugal (including Madeira and the Azores)
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Member countries in March 2001: Spain (including Canary Islands)
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Member countries in March 2001: Other member countries in March 2001
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Countries that joined the EU between April 2001 and March 2011: Lithuania
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Countries that joined the EU between April 2001 and March 2011: Poland
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Countries that joined the EU between April 2001 and March 2011: Romania
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Countries that joined the EU between April 2001 and March 2011: Other EU countries
- Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Countries that joined the EU between April 2011 and March 2021: Croatia
- Europe: Other Europe: Rest of Europe: Turkey
- Europe: Other Europe: Rest of Europe: Other Europe
- Africa: North Africa
- Africa: Central and Western Africa: Ghana
- Africa: Central and Western Africa: Nigeria
- Africa: Central and Western Africa: Other Central and Western Africa
- Africa: South and Eastern Africa: Kenya
- Africa: South and Eastern Africa: Somalia
- Africa: South and Eastern Africa: South Africa
- Africa: South and Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe
- Africa: South and Eastern Africa: Other South and Eastern Africa
- Africa: Africa not otherwise specified
- Middle East and Asia: Middle East: Iran
- Middle East and Asia: Middle East: Iraq
- Middle East and Asia: Middle East: Other Middle East
- Middle East and Asia: Eastern Asia: China
- Middle East and Asia: Eastern Asia: Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China)
- Middle East and Asia: Eastern Asia: Other Eastern Asia
- Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia: Afghanistan
- Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia: India
- Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia: Pakistan
- Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia: Bangladesh
- Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia: Sri Lanka
- Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia: Other Southern Asia
- Middle East and Asia: South-East Asia: Philippines
- Middle East and Asia: South-East Asia: Malaysia
- Middle East and Asia: South-East Asia: Singapore
- Middle East and Asia: South-East Asia: Other South-East Asia
- Middle East and Asia: Central Asia
- The Americas and the Caribbean: North America: United States
- The Americas and the Caribbean: North America: Canada
- The Americas and the Caribbean: North America: Other North America
- The Americas and the Caribbean: Central America: All Central American countries
- The Americas and the Caribbean: South America: All South American countries
- The Americas and the Caribbean: The Caribbean: Jamaica
- The Americas and the Caribbean: The Caribbean: Other Caribbean
- Antarctica and Oceania: Australasia: Australia
- Antarctica and Oceania: Australasia: New Zealand
- Antarctica and Oceania: Australasia: Other Australasia
- Antarctica and Oceania: Other Oceania and Antarctica
- Other
- Does not apply
- Change Country of birth
Tenure of household
7 categories
- Owned: Owns outright
- Owned: Owns with a mortgage or loan or shared ownership
- Social rented: Rents from council or Local Authority
- Social rented: Other social rented
- Private rented: Private landlord or letting agency
- Private rented: Other private rented or lives rent free
- Does not apply
- Change Tenure of household
Variable and dataset information
Area type
Census 2021 statistics are published for a number of different geographies. These can be large, for example the whole of England, or small, for example an output area (OA), the lowest level of geography for which statistics are produced.
For higher levels of geography, more detailed statistics can be produced. When a lower level of geography is used, such as output areas (which have a minimum of 100 persons), the statistics produced have less detail. This is to protect the confidentiality of people and ensure that individuals or their characteristics cannot be identified.
England and Wales
Data for both England and Wales.
Census 2021 statistics are published for the whole of England and Wales. However, you can choose to filter areas by:
- country - for example, Wales
- region - for example, London
- local authority - for example, Cornwall
- health area – for example, Clinical Commissioning Group
- statistical area - for example, MSOA or LSOA
Country of birth
The country in which a person was born.
For people not born in one of the four countries of the UK or the Republic of Ireland, there was an option to select "elsewhere".
People who selected "elsewhere" were asked to write in the current name for their country of birth.
Tenure of household
Whether a household owns or rents the accommodation that it occupies.
Owner-occupied accommodation can be:
* owned outright, which is where the household owns all of the accommodation
* with a mortgage or loan
* part-owned on a shared ownership scheme
Rented accommodation can be:
* private rented, for example, rented through a private landlord or letting agent
* social rented through a local council or housing association
This information is not available for household spaces with no usual residents.