
Labour market overview, UK: February 2025
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- Estimates for payrolled employees in the UK decreased by 14,000 (0.0%) between November and December 2024 but rose by 44,000 (0.1%) between December 2023 and December 2024.
- Payrolled employees fell by 3,000 (0.0%) over the quarter but rose by 106,000 (0.3%) over the year, when looking at October to December 2024. This is the period comparable with our Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates.
- Payrolled employees fell by 3,000 (0.0%) over the quarter but rose by 106,000 (0.3%) over the year, when looking at October to December 2024. This is the period comparable with our Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates.
Datasets related to Diweithdra
Characteristics of those not in employment as of Census Day 2021: detailed industry estimates
Census 2021 data of the industry of people’s last main job who were not employed on census day. This dataset is at the division level of the Standard Industrial Classification.
Characteristics of those not in employment as of Census Day 2021: broad occupation estimates
Census 2021 data outlining the last main occupation of those who were not employed on census day. Data is at one digit level of the Standard Occupation Classification.
Characteristics of those not in employment as of Census Day 2021: broad industry estimates
Census 2021 data outlining the primary industry for people who were not employed on census day. This dataset is at the section level of the Standard Industrial Classification.
Characteristics of those not in employment as of Census Day 2021: employment history
Census 2021 data outlining the employment history of those not in employment on census day, including estimates by personal characteristics and reason for not being employed.
Characteristics of those not in employment as of Census Day 2021: detailed occupation estimates
Census 2021 data outlining the occupation of the last main job of those who were not employed on census day. This data is at the four-digit level of the Standard Occupational Classification.
A01: Summary of labour market statistics
Labour market statistics summary data table, including earnings, employment, unemployment, redundancies and vacancies, Great Britain and UK, published monthly.
Publications related to Diweithdra
Statistical bulletins
Labour market overview, UK: February 2025
Estimates of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity and other employment-related statistics for the UK.
Workless households for regions across the UK: 2023
Annual information at a local level about households and the adults and children living in them, by their economic activity status.
Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), UK: February 2025
Estimates of young people (aged 16 to 24 years) who are not in education, employment or training, by age and sex. These are official statistics in development.
Working and workless households in the UK: October to December 2024
The economic status of households in the UK and the people living in them, where at least one person is aged 16 to 64 years. Taken from the Labour Force Survey.
Methodology related to Diweithdra
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