259 data results that are related to Economic inactivity , sorted by release date
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LFS: Econ. inactivity reasons: Students: UK: 16-64: 000s: SA
Northern Ireland - 16-64 inactive levels: 000s: SA: Women
LFS: Economic inactivity rate: North East: Aged 16-64: All: %: SA
LFS: Econ inactive: Discouraged Worker: UK: Male: %: SA
LFS: Econ. inactivity reasons: Total: UK: 16-64:%
LFS: Economic inactivity rate: Wales: Aged 16-64: All: %: SA
East - 16-64 inactive levels: 000s: SA: Women
LFS: Economic inactivity rate: London: Aged 16-64: Male: %: SA
LFS: Econ. inactivity reasons: Temp sick: UK: Female:000s:SA
LFS: Econ. inactivity reasons: Other: UK: 16-64:%