11 publications that are related to Gross disposable household income , sorted by release date
Regional gross disposable household income, UK: 1997 to 2022 (Latest release)
Annual estimates of regional gross disposable household income (GDHI) for the UK International Territorial Level (ITL) regions, local and combined authorities, and other economic regions.Allweddeiriau: subregional, sub-regional, local areas, council areas, spending
Disaggregating UK subnational gross disposable household income to lower levels of geography: 2002 to 2021 (Latest release)
Official statistics in development of gross disposable household income (GDHI) statistics at Lower-layer Super Output Area (LSOA) and equivalent geographies.Allweddeiriau: GDHI, local authorities
Experimental regional gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) estimates by asset type: 1997 to 2022 (Latest release)
Gross fixed capital formation estimates broken down by asset type, international territorial levels and local authority districts.Allweddeiriau: GFCF, subnational, capital, experimental, assets
Subnational statistics and analysis, current and upcoming work: October 2023 (Latest release)
A summary of the ONS’ current and future work related to subnational statistics and analysis.Allweddeiriau: subnational, strategy, economy, environment, society
Subnational statistics and analysis, current and upcoming work: May 2022 (Latest release)
A summary of the ONS’ current and future work related to subnational statistics and analysis.Allweddeiriau: local authorities, regions, labour market, population, census, CurrentAndUpcomingWork
Mapping regional differences in productivity and household income (Latest release)
Explore economic inequality in the UK with our map of household income and productivity.Allweddeiriau: household income, regional, economics, productivity, GDHI, GVA
Development of regional household expenditure measures (Latest release)
Further developments to our experimental estimates of household spending and saving in the countries, regions and sub-regions of the UK.Allweddeiriau: spending, saving, COICOP, inter-regional trade, households' savings ratio, NUTS
Investigating household expenditure in island communities (Latest release)
Whether there are differences in household expenditure in UK island communities, specifically the Isles of Scilly and Orkney, compared with the mainland.Allweddeiriau: Regional, HFCE, spending, LCF, household final consumption expenditure, living costs and food survey
The feasibility of producing regional household final consumption expenditure, UK: 2016 (Latest release)
A summary of research conducted so far into the feasibility of producing regional household final consumption expenditure and recommendations for further work.Allweddeiriau: regions, household sector, GDHI, saving
Gross disposable household income (GDHI) for local enterprise partnerships: 1997 to 2014 (Latest release)
Regional Economic Analysis articles cover themes related to regional and sub-regional economic performance. This release provides data on Gross disposable household income (GDHI) for each Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). A time series with data back to 1997 is included while the latest data available are for calendar year 2013.Allweddeiriau: Income, Regional Accounts, Wages, Taxes