586 publications that are related to Economy , sorted by release date
UK inclusive income: 2005 to 2021 (Latest release)
Estimates of sustainable economic progress encompassing a broad range of economic activities, such as unpaid household services, ecosystem services, and more.Allweddeiriau: inclusive, income, wealth, progress, economic
Public service productivity: total, UK, 2021 (Latest release)
Updated measures of output, inputs and productivity for public services in the UK, 1997 to 2021.Allweddeiriau: public sector, healthcare, education, non-market output, social care
Disaggregating UK subnational gross disposable household income to lower levels of geography: 2002 to 2021 (Latest release)
Official statistics in development of gross disposable household income (GDHI) statistics at Lower-layer Super Output Area (LSOA) and equivalent geographies.Allweddeiriau: GDHI, local authorities
Consumer card spending, flow of spending across the UK: 2019 to 2023 (Latest release)
Analysis of consumer card spending trends covering where UK cardholders are spending money.Allweddeiriau: retail, spending in local area, credit and debit card, subnational, regional
Public service productivity, healthcare, England: financial year ending 2022 (Latest release)
Latest figures for outputs, inputs and productivity for public service healthcare in England.Allweddeiriau: Health, Efficiency, Hospitals, NHS, health workers
Funded occupational pension schemes in the UK: April to September 2023 (Latest release)
Financial Survey of Pension Schemes (FSPS) results including membership, income and expenditure, assets and liabilities of pension schemes.Allweddeiriau: pensions, derivatives, deleverage, LDI, assets
Housing prices in your area (Latest release)
An interactive article that allows users to find average house prices and monthly private rents for local areas across Great Britain. Users can see how changes in average prices compare with regional and national trends, and find other data such as average house prices for first-time buyers.Allweddeiriau: house prices, private rents, rents, first-time buyers, local authority, HM Land Registry, Price Index of Private Rents
Experimental estimates of green jobs, UK: 2024 (Latest release)
Experimental estimates of green jobs using the industry, occupation and firm approaches. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: beyond gdp, net zero, employees, industry, environment
Consumer price inflation, updating weights: 2024 (Latest release)
Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH), overview of the latest annual update of weights.Allweddeiriau: CPI, CPIH, RPI
Consumer price inflation basket of goods and services: 2024 (Latest release)
The “shopping baskets” of items used in compiling the various measures of consumer price inflation are reviewed annually. The items in the baskets change so that the measures are up to date and representative of consumer spending patterns.Allweddeiriau: CPI, RPI, CPIH, spending