Provides files to download data as it existed for this dataset on previous dates.

Statistics are most often revised for 1 of 2 reasons:

  1. For certain statistics initial estimates are released with the expectation that these may be revised and updated as further data becomes available.
  2. Revisions may also be made when methods or systems are changed.

These types of planned revisions should not be confused with errors in released statistics, which are genuine mistakes. Such mistakes occur rarely and, when they do happen, corrections are made in a timely manner, announced and clearly explained to users in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (Principle 2, Practice 7).

Latest version

xlsx (829.3 kB)

Previous versions

Superseded files Reason for update Date superseded
xlsx (834.0 kB)
Correction See correction
Minor formatting changes to datasets
5 April 2022 16:30

Important notes and usage information

The 2019 UK Input-Output Analytical Tables (IOATs) are consistent with the 2022 editions of UK National Accounts Blue Book and UK Balance of Payments Pink Book. The 2019 IOATs are derived from the 2019 annual Supply and Use Tables (SUTs). 

The SUTs provide a picture of the flows of products and services in the economy for a single year, and are used to set the level of annual current price gross domestic product (GDP). They show the composition of uses and resources across institutional sectors, and the interdependence of industries, in order to reconcile the production, income and expenditure approaches to the measurement of GDP. We have combined these tables to construct the input-output table, together with supplementary data and certain economic assumptions (such as technology assumptions). The input-output table describes how products (and primary inputs) are used to produce further products and satisfy final use. The input-output table and its derivative outputs collectively form the IOATs