Datasets related to Tablau cyflenwad a defnydd
Input-output supply and use tables
Estimates of industry inputs and outputs, product supply and demand, and gross value added (GVA) for the UK. Supply and use tables for 1997 to 2022 are consistent with the UK National Accounts in Blue Book 2024.
UK input-output analytical tables: product by product
Product by industry, product by product and further analysis tables derived from the annual Supply and Use Tables (SUTs) for 2021.
Input-output supply and use tables – summary tables
Estimates of industry inputs and outputs, product supply and demand, and gross value added (GVA) for the UK. Supply and use tables for 1997 to 2022.
Annex A: Commentary on supply and use balanced estimates of annual GDP, 1997 to 2014
Annual supply and use tables; including a breakdown of the 3 measure of GDP, comparison of current year versus previous years growth. Breakdown of the Blue Book 2016 methodological changes; impact of changes on each component of GDP.