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  • UK trade in services by industry, country and service type, exports

    Set ddata | Released on 15 May 2023

    Experimental dataset providing a breakdown of UK trade in services by industry, country and service type on a balance of payments basis. Data are subject to disclosure control, which means some data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality of individual traders.

    Allweddeiriau: trade with EU, trade with non-eu, partner countries, exports, country

  • UK trade in goods by industry, country and commodity, imports

    Set ddata | Released on 15 May 2023

    Experimental dataset providing a breakdown of UK trade in goods by industry, country and commodity on a balance of payments basis. Data are subject to disclosure control, which means some data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality of individual traders.

    Allweddeiriau: CP, trade with EU, trade with non-EU, partner countries, trade, commodity

  • UK trade in goods by industry, country and commodity, exports

    Set ddata | Released on 15 May 2023

    Experimental dataset providing a breakdown of UK trade in goods by industry, country and commodity on a balance of payments basis. Data are subject to disclosure control, which means some data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality of individual traders.

    Allweddeiriau: export, import, CP, trade with EU, trade with non-EU, partner countries

  • Foreign direct investment involving UK companies by UK country and region, (directional): inward

    Set ddata | Released on 24 April 2023

    The investment of foreign companies into the UK by UK country and region for investment flows, positions and earnings. Experimental statistics.

    Allweddeiriau: manufacturing, financial services, City region, continent, stock, profit

  • Foreign direct investment involving UK companies by UK country and region, (directional): outward

    Set ddata | Released on 24 April 2023

    The investment of UK companies abroad by UK country and region for investment flows, positions and earnings. Experimental statistics.

    Allweddeiriau: financial services, manufacturing, City region, continent, stock, profit

  • Outward foreign direct investment involving UK companies: historical data

    Set ddata | Released on 28 March 2023

    Outward foreign direct investment (FDI) flows, positions and earnings involving UK companies, by geography, component and industry for 1992 to 2021.

    Allweddeiriau: FDI, stock, profit, transactions

  • Inward foreign direct investment involving UK companies: historical data

    Set ddata | Released on 28 March 2023

    Inward foreign direct investment (FDI) flows, positions and earnings involving UK companies, by geography, component and industry for 1992 to 2021.

    Allweddeiriau: transactions, FDI, stock, profit

  • Foreign direct investment, UK-resident special purpose entities

    Set ddata | Released on 23 January 2023

    Experimental estimates for UK foreign direct investment (FDI) values with special purpose entities resident in the UK using the asset and liability measurement principle.

    Allweddeiriau: multinational enterprise, holding company, International Monetary Fund, decision tree

  • Foreign direct investment distribution, UK trends and analysis

    Set ddata | Released on 28 July 2022

    Results from microdata on the distribution of the UK's stock of foreign direct investment using the asset and liability measurement principle.

    Allweddeiriau: business size, top 25, FDI, debits, credits

  • UK services trade by business characteristics

    Set ddata | Released on 21 July 2022

    Breakdown of UK trade in services by business characteristics on a balance of payments basis using a new experimental dataset.

    Allweddeiriau: imports, exports, European Union, BoP, Balance of Payments