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  • Trade in goods: all countries, seasonally adjusted

    Set ddata | Released on 11 July 2024

    The annual, quarterly and monthly goods export and import figures for all countries within the UK.

    Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports

  • Balance of payments

    Set ddata | Released on 28 June 2024

    Quarterly summary of balance of payments accounts including the current account, capital transfers, transactions, and levels of UK external assets and liabilities.

    Allweddeiriau: monetary, rest of the world, foreign, economy, BoP

  • Balance of payments time series

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: PNBP | Released on 28 June 2024

    Quarterly summary of balance of payments accounts including the current account, capital transfers, transactions and levels of UK external assets and liabilities.

    Allweddeiriau: rest of the world, foreign, economy, monetary

  • Foreign direct investment: contributions of businesses to the UK economy

    Set ddata | Released on 5 January 2024

    Insights on the contributions of companies with foreign direct investment (FDI) links to the UK economy.

    Allweddeiriau: employment, productivity, trade, value added

  • 10 Geographical breakdown of the UK international investment position, The Pink Book

    Set ddata | Released on 31 October 2023

    Detailed annual statistics on the geographical breakdown of the UK international investment position including by type of investment, by assets and liabilities and net.
  • 02 Trade in goods, The Pink Book

    Set ddata | Released on 31 October 2023

    Detailed annual statistics on trade in goods including summary and adjustments on a balance of payments basis.
  • 09 Geographical breakdown of the current account, The Pink Book

    Set ddata | Released on 31 October 2023

    Detailed annual statistics on the geographical breakdown of the current account including trade in goods and services, primary and secondary income and transactions with Europe and the US.
  • 08 International investment position, The Pink Book

    Set ddata | Released on 31 October 2023

    Detailed annual statistics on the international investment position including direct, portfolio and other investment balance sheets and sector analysis, reserve assets for central government and financial derivatives.
  • 07 Financial account, The Pink Book

    Set ddata | Released on 31 October 2023

    Detailed annual statistics on the financial account including direct, portfolio and other investment summaries and sector analysis, reserve assets for central government and financial derivatives.
  • 03 Trade in services, The Pink Book

    Set ddata | Released on 31 October 2023

    Detailed annual statistics on trade in services including transport, travel, insurance and pensions, financial, telecommunication and computer, cultural and recreational, and government.