9 Datasets that are related to Investments, pensions and trusts , sorted by release date
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Funded occupational pension schemes in the UK
Data on membership, contributions, benefits, assets (including overseas) and liabilities of funded occupational pension schemes in the UK. Data are quarterly from the Financial Survey of Pension Schemes (FSPS).Allweddeiriau: Defined contribution, defined benefit and hybrid, pensions, investments, employee and employer contributions
Share ownership time series
Time series data - share register survey report.Allweddeiriau: beneficial ownership, national accounts, economy, personal investments
Ownership of UK shares
Additional reference tables for ownership of quoted UK shares.Allweddeiriau: beneficial ownership, national accounts, economy, personal investments
UK's outward investment network
Experimental Statistics from the UK's outward investment network. Includes the country pairings required to build the network and statistics on the 60 most common countries in the network by business count.Allweddeiriau: international investments, Orbis, FDI
Overseas investments by country for selected investment categories
Value of assets in overseas investments by country for short-term debt securities, long-term debt securities, equities and pooled investment vehicles, end-2019. -
Investment by insurance companies, pension funds and trusts (MQ5) - revisions triangle
A revisions triangle of estimates from 1996 to date and the calculations behind the averages. -
Investment by insurance companies, pension funds and trusts (MQ5)
Quarterly net investment, income and expenditure by insurance companies, self-administered pension funds, investment, unit and property unit trusts. -
Investment by Insurance Companies, Pension Funds and Trusts time series dataset
Quarterly net investment, balance sheet and income and expenditure data. All data are reported on a current price basis (effects of price changes included). -
Ownership of UK Quoted Shares With Pooled and Excluded Shares Allocated Across Other Sectors
Summary tables for ownership of UK quoted shares with pooled and excluded shares allocated across other sectorsAllweddeiriau: beneficial ownership, national accounts, economy, personal investments