Methodology related to mynegeion chwyddiant a phrisiau

  • Imputing Web Scraped Prices

    Methodoleg | Released on 23 May 2016

    Investigates which method of imputation is the best method to deal with missing prices found in the ONS web scraped grocery prices data. Following a simulation study, it finds that carrying forward the previous price is the best method with respect to minimising imputation bias.

    Allweddeiriau: economy, weights, index, indices, scraping

  • Advisory panels on consumer prices

    Methodoleg | Released on 9 March 2016

    Advice to the National Statistician on the ‘Measuring Consumer Prices’ Consultation Response
  • Retail sales

    Methodoleg | Released on 10 February 2016

  • Prices - user guidance, methodology and developments

    Methodoleg | Released on 4 February 2016

    Guidance and methodology information about ONS's prices statistics including Consumer Prices and Retail Prices Indices, Producer Price and Service Producer Price Indices.
  • Consumer Prices Index (RPI) and Retail Prices Index (RPI), updating weights

    Methodoleg | Released on 1 February 2016

  • Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and Retail Prices Index (RPI) basket of goods and services

    Methodoleg | Released on 1 February 2016

  • Development of a single Official House Price Index

    Methodoleg | Released on 1 February 2016

    This article builds on the October 2014 consultation on the development of a definitive house price index and subsequent published response to provide final details of the methodology being used in the development of the new, single official house price index (HPI). This article will focus on explaining the sources of data being used in the production of the new HPI; define the final methodology which is being used to calculate the new HPI; consider further the findings and recommendations from both the user consultation and United Kingdom Statistics Authority special phase 1 assessment of the new UK HPI before finally discussing the initial plans for transition to the new HPI in 2016.