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  • Producer price inflation (MM22)

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    UK price movement data at all manufacturing, aggregated industry and product group levels. Data supplied from individual manufacturers, importers and exporters. Monthly, quarterly and annual data.

    Allweddeiriau: manufacturing, input prices, output prices, producer prices

  • Output and input producer price inflation: contributions to the annual rates

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Contributions to the annual inflation rates of input and output producer price inflation by component and overall inflation rates.

    Allweddeiriau: producer prices, maufactoring, output prices, input prices

  • Growth rates of output and input producer price inflation (PPI)

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Monthly and annual inflation rates for UK input and output producer price inflation (PPI), 1996 to 2024.

    Allweddeiriau: manufacturing, input prices, output prices, producer prices

  • Services Producer Price Inflation (SPPI) records

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Services producer price inflation (SPPI) records showing higher, lower and equal to quarterly service Producer Price Index movements for selected UK services sectors.

    Allweddeiriau: SPPI, services producer price indices, services prices, service sector

  • Consumer price inflation tables

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Measures of monthly UK inflation data including CPIH, CPI and RPI. These tables complement the consumer price inflation time series dataset.

    Allweddeiriau: OOH, RPI, CPIH, CPI

  • Producer price inflation: monthly figures

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Input and output for UK Producer Price Index series of materials and fuels purchased and output of manufacturing industry by broad sector.

    Allweddeiriau: manufacturing, input prices, output prices, producer prices

  • Services producer price inflation

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Quarterly estimates monitoring the changes in prices charged for services provided to UK-based customers for a range of industries.

    Allweddeiriau: SPPI, services producer price indices, services prices, service sector.

  • Producer price inflation records: monthly figures

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Input and output price indices for the UK, providing months when movements were higher, lower or equal.

    Allweddeiriau: input prices, output prices, manufacturing, producer prices

  • UK House Price Index: monthly price statistics

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Summary of UK House Price Index (HPI) price statistics covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Full UK HPI data is available on GOV.UK.

    Allweddeiriau: dwellings, inflation, property, home, first time buyers

  • Producer price inflation time series (MM22)

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: MM22 | Released on 17 July 2024

    Producer Price Indices (PPIs) are a series of economic indicators that measure the price movement of goods bought and sold by UK manufacturers.

    Allweddeiriau: PPI, manufacturing, output prices, input prices, producer prices