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  • Regional GVA NUTS1

    Annual estimates of NUTS1 regional Gross Value Added (GVA), Compensation of Employees (CoE) and Gross Operating Surplus (GOS). Tables show estimates of total GVA, GVA per head, GVA per head index and GVA by industry.

  • Regional GVA NUTS2

    Annual estimates of NUTS2 regional Gross Value Added (GVA) and Compensation of Employees (CoE) estimates. Tables show estimates of total GVA, GVA per head, GVA per head index and GVA by industry.

  • Regional GVA NUTS3

    Annual estimates of NUTS3 regional Gross Value Added (GVA). Tables show estimates of total GVA, GVA per head, GVA per head index and GVA by industry.

  • Regional Gross Value Added

    Economic activity as measured by Gross Value Added (GVA) for English regions, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland including component totals and industry group totals.

  • Revisions Triangles NUTS1 Workplace Based Regional GVA

    Revisions to NUTS1 workplace based regional Gross Value Added Income approach (GVA(I)) estimates.

  • Revisions Triangles NUTS2 Regional GVA

    Revisions to NUTS2 workplace based regional Gross Value Added Income approach (GVA(I)) estimates.

  • Revisions Triangles NUTS3 Regional GVA

    Revisions to NUTS3 workplace based regional Gross Value Added Income approach (GVA(I)) estimates.