Provides files to download data as it existed for this dataset on previous dates.

Statistics are most often revised for 1 of 2 reasons:

  1. For certain statistics initial estimates are released with the expectation that these may be revised and updated as further data becomes available.
  2. Revisions may also be made when methods or systems are changed.

These types of planned revisions should not be confused with errors in released statistics, which are genuine mistakes. Such mistakes occur rarely and, when they do happen, corrections are made in a timely manner, announced and clearly explained to users in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (Principle 2, Practice 7).

Latest version

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Previous versions

Superseded files Reason for update Date superseded
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 31 October 2023
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 31 October 2022
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 29 October 2021
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 2 November 2020
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 31 October 2019
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 31 October 2019
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 31 July 2018
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Correction See correction

The excel table relating to the Financial balance sheet, published on 31 October 2017, incorrectly included data for CDID identifier NGAL HH & NPISH (S.14 + S.15): Foreign currency loans by UK banks. We have obtained data relating to the correct CDID and re-run the table in order to populate the time series dataset. The data are now identifiable on the following tables as: 6.1.11 - NNRI

The time series dataset was also affected by this issue and has since been corrected. There is no impact on any other Blue Book series or any aggregates. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

7 February 2018
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Correction See correction

On 14 December 2017 we informed users that a processing error had been identified impacting historical estimates (pre-1997) of some component series of household final consumption expenditure. On 22nd December 2017 the series below were corrected from 1985 to 1996. None of the changes will impact on total household final consumption expenditure or total gross domestic product.

ADIU 02.2 Tobacco in table 6.2.15 MNC4 02.3 Narcotics in table 6.2.15 MND2 12.2 Prostitution in table 6.2.15 ADJP 06.3 Hospital Services in table 6.2.15 CCHX Final consumption Expenditure in the UK by households resident in the rest of the world in table 6.2.15 and 6.2.13 ABTC Final consumption expenditure outside the UK by UK resident households in table 6.2.15 and 6.2.13

22 December 2017
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Correction See correction

On 14 December 2017 we informed users that a processing error had been identified impacting historical estimates (pre-1997) of some component series of household final consumption expenditure. On 22nd December 2017 the series below were corrected from 1985 to 1996. None of the changes will impact on total household final consumption expenditure or total gross domestic product.

ADIU 02.2 Tobacco in table 6.2.15 MNC4 02.3 Narcotics in table 6.2.15 MND2 12.2 Prostitution in table 6.2.15 ADJP 06.3 Hospital Services in table 6.2.15 CCHX Final consumption Expenditure in the UK by households resident in the rest of the world in table 6.2.15 and 6.2.13 ABTC Final consumption expenditure outside the UK by UK resident households in table 6.2.15 and 6.2.13

22 December 2017
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 31 October 2017
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 31 October 2017
Download .xls Download .csv Scheduled update/revision 29 July 2016