All data related to GDP quarterly national accounts, UK: April to June 2024

  • Breakdown of general government final consumption expenditure

    Set ddata | Released on 22 December 2022

    Contains a breakdown of general government final consumption expenditure (GGFCE) on a current price and chained volume measure basis.

    Allweddeiriau: health, education, social protection, justice, defence

  • Breakdown of trade

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    A breakdown of trade data on a current price and chained volume measure basis, UK, quarterly.

    Allweddeiriau: Trade, GDP, QNA, Trade in Goods, Trade in Services

  • GDP at current prices – real-time database (YBHA)

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    Quarterly levels for UK gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices.

    Allweddeiriau: economic growth, economic activity, UK economy

  • GDP at current prices – revision triangles (YBHA)

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    Quarterly growth rates and revisions for UK gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices.

    Allweddeiriau: economic growth, economic activity, UK economy

  • GDP deflator – revision triangles

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    Quarterly growth rates and revisions for UK gross domestic product (GDP) deflator at market prices.

    Allweddeiriau: economic growth, economic activity, UK economy

  • GDP expenditure components – real-time database

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    Quarterly levels for UK gross domestic product (GDP) expenditure components, in chained volume measures at market prices.

    Allweddeiriau: economic growth, economic activity, UK economy

  • GDP expenditure components – revision triangles

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    Quarterly growth rates and revisions for UK gross domestic product (GDP) expenditure components, in chained volume measures at market prices.

    Allweddeiriau: economic growth, economic activity, UK economy

  • GDP in chained volume measures – real-time database (ABMI)

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    Quarterly levels for UK gross domestic product (GDP), in chained volume measures at market prices.

    Allweddeiriau: economic growth, economic activity, UK economy

  • GDP in chained volume measures – revision triangles (ABMI)

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    Quarterly and annual growth rates and revisions for UK gross domestic product (GDP), in chained volume measures at market prices.

    Allweddeiriau: economic growth, economic activity, UK economy

  • GDP income components – real-time database

    Set ddata | Released on 30 September 2024

    Quarterly levels for UK gross domestic product (GDP) income components at current market prices.

    Allweddeiriau: economic growth, economic activity, UK economy