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Published after For example, 29 4 2016
Published before For example, 29 4 2016
  • Sustainable Development Goals disaggregation gaps, by global goal

    Set ddata | Released on 19 March 2018

    We have assessed the 114 global SDG indicators reported on our National Reporting Platform to see whether data are available for the six of the eight disaggregations specified by the United Nations. The remaining disaggregations are for geography (which we have reported separately) and race - which has not been reported as data are not regularly collected in the UK, but further assessment is required before we can report on this characteristic.

    Allweddeiriau: SDGs, Gaps, Leave No One Behind, 2030 Agenda

  • Asset and service flow values for all components of natural capital currently measured, 1997 to 2015

    Set ddata | Released on 30 January 2018

    Physical, monetary annual and monetary asset flows, 1997 to 2015.

    Allweddeiriau: valuation, environment, ecosystem, services, asset flows

  • Energy consumption from renewable and waste sources

    Data a gyrchwyd gan y defnyddiwr | Released on 7 December 2017 | Ref: 007829

  • Low carbon and renewable energy economy total activity estimates

    Set ddata | Released on 29 November 2016

    Detailed estimates of low carbon and renewable energy economy total activity in the UK, by country, renewables group and overall group activity.

    Allweddeiriau: wind, environment, green, solar, clean growth

  • Estimates of timber resources in the UK

    Set ddata | Released on 5 July 2016

    Estimates of timber resources in the UK, 2007 to 2015

    Allweddeiriau: timber, forests, natural, capital

  • Experimental carbon stock accounts

    Set ddata | Released on 28 June 2016

    Carbon Accounts: Stock and flow tables by category of carbon

    Allweddeiriau: Natural Capital, SEEA, Biocarbon, Geocarbon

  • LCRE Coefficients of Variation Dataset

    Set ddata | Released on 18 May 2016

    Coefficients of variation to accompany LCRE Estimates Dataset.

    Allweddeiriau: renewable energy, businesses, employees

  • Final Low Carbon Survey Estimates

    Set ddata | Released on 18 May 2016

    Detailed estimates of low carbon and renewable energy economy in 2014.

    Allweddeiriau: environmental accounts, businesses, employees

  • Main UK onshore wind sector estimates

    Set ddata | Released on 28 April 2016

    Estimates of activity in the onshore wind sector in 2014 based on results from the 2015 Low Carbon and Renewable Energy (LCRE) Economy Survey.

    Allweddeiriau: environment, green economy, renewable energy

  • Main nuclear sector statistics

    Set ddata | Released on 6 April 2016

    Estimates of activity in the nuclear power sector in 2014 based on results from the 2015 Low Carbon and Renewable Energy (LCRE) Economy Survey.

    Allweddeiriau: Environment, green economy, renewable energy