Published data related to productivity measures

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  • Reweighted productivity trends, UK

    Gross value added (GVA), output per hour worked (OPH), output per worker (OPW), output per job (OPJ) and productivity trendlines.

  • Firm-level labour productivity from the Annual Business Survey: summary statistics, UK

    Summary statistics of labour productivity as measured by the Annual Business Survey by different breakdowns of firm characteristics, UK.

  • Firm-level profit margins, intermediate consumption markups and labour markups from the Annual Business Survey: summary statistics, UK

    Profitability, markups and market power of businesses. Official statistics in development.

  • Labour costs and labour income, UK

    Labour share of income, unit labour costs (ULCs), unit wage costs (UWCs) and average labour compensation per hour worked (ALCH).

  • Output per job, UK

    Estimates for gross value added (GVA), jobs and output per job by section level industry, as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Contains annual and quarterly statistics. Contains estimates for industry quarter-on-quarter, year-on-year and quarter-on-year contributions to output per job.

  • Output per hour worked, UK

    Estimates for gross value added (GVA), hours worked and output per hour worked for whole economy and section level industries, as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 2007. Contains annual and quarterly statistics. Includes estimates for industry quarter on quarter, year on year and quarter on year contributions to whole economy output per hour worked.

  • Output per worker, UK

    Estimates for gross value added (GVA), workers, and output per worker. Contains annual and quarterly statistics.

  • Volume Index Capital Services (VICS), annual, UK

    Annual Volume Index of Capital Services estimates for the UK market sector. These are official statistics in development.

  • Volume Index Capital Services (VICS), quarterly, UK

    Quarterly Volume Index of Capital Services estimates for the UK market sector. These are official statistics in development.

  • Infrastructure statistics – experimental

    Infrastructure in the UK, covering investment, construction activity and capital stocks, up to 2023. These are official statistics in development.