These plans detail the analysis we aim to publish on the topic of UK armed forces veterans in the first year of the Census 2021 analysis programme, and the proposals we are considering publishing in following years. We will provide updates to these plans after user feedback and further research and testing of the data. We will provide article publication dates on our release calendar in "Upcoming releases". We intend to confirm publication releases four weeks before publication. We will update this page with links to articles when they are published.

Publications in 2023

Characteristics of UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021
Article I Published 3 February 2023
UK armed forces veteran population from Census 2021 data, includes population age, where people were born, religion, ethnic group, legal partnership status and general health.

Living arrangements of UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales, Census 2021
Article | Published 16 June 2023
Analysis of UK armed forces veteran population data from Census 2021, covering communal establishment and household characteristics, household composition and family status.

UK armed forces veterans, health and unpaid care, England and Wales: Census 2021
Article | Published 9 November 2023
Analysis of UK armed forces veteran population data from Census 2021, and spouses and children of veterans living in the same household, covering general health, disability and unpaid care by personal characteristics.

Publications in 2024

The labour market status of UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021
Article | Published 7 June 2024
UK armed forces veterans labour market variables by personal characteristics. Includes data on employment status, qualifications, employment industry and occupation.

Proposed publications for 2024 and beyond

The financial situation of UK armed forces veterans

This analysis will identify the financial situations of UK armed forces veterans in England and Wales. It will help to determine whether or not veterans are more likely to find themselves in financial distress than the general population. We aim to provide this analysis by combining Census 2021 data with administrative data from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) alongside survey data.

UK armed forces veterans and the criminal justice system

This analysis will look at the characteristics associated with offending behaviour among UK armed forces veterans. It will do this by analysing their activity in the criminal justice system for England and Wales. We will provide this analysis by linking to data from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ). It aims to help the government to plan additional support for veterans who may be more vulnerable than others.

More information

To find out more about our Census 2021 analysis plans or to provide feedback, email us at