By their nature small population groups are difficult populations to publish data about because their confidentiality must be protected. To avoid disclosure, that is to ensure that members of the population group cannot be identified from our census data, ONS has set a threshold of 50 people per middle layer super output area (MSOA). MSOAs have at least 1,000 usual residents and 400 households. Tables for a small population will only be produced if there are 50 or more qualifying people in the given MSOA geography.
Release: Small Population Tables for England and Wales
Publication date: 18/12/2015
Release number: n/a
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- View the tables in this release via Nomis
- Download table layouts (491.5 Kb Excel sheet)
Other links
- For summary notes and useful links, visit the release page
- Small populations user guide (240 Kb Word document)
Release contents
- Small population tables provide census data for some of the key characteristics of people in specific small population groups in which the small size of the total population in that group means confidentiality constraints limit the release of more detailed standard statistics.
- The first set of small populations tables breakdown the population by five year age bands by sex, for a total of 30 population groups for Local Authorities where there are 200 or more usual residents from that population group.
Release: Armed forces statistics for local authorities in England and Wales
Publication date: 23/05/2014
Release number: 6.1a
Get data
- View the tables in this release
- Download table layouts (96 Kb Excel sheet)
Other links
- For summary notes and useful links, visit the release page
- Small populations user guide (240 Kb Word document)
Release contents
- The number and characteristics of people employed in the armed forces