Published data related to it and internet industry

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  • Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain: artificial intelligence (AI) by personal characteristics

    Indicators from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) on the public's awareness, opinions and expectations about artificial intelligence (AI) Uses longer data collection periods to allow estimates from various personal characteristics.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) awareness, use and impact, Great Britain

    Data from the Opinion and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how people feel about its uptake in today’s society.

  • Digital Economy Survey

    UK businesses' engagement in the digital economy including e-commerce sales and purchases, and use of other information and communication technology (ICT).

  • Digital Economy Survey: confidence intervals

    Confidence intervals at the 95% level for the digital economy survey.

  • Digital exclusion and equality in the UK

    Odds ratios of being digitally excluded by various characteristics in January to March 2020, using data from the Labour Force Survey with geographical coverage of the UK.

  • Internet users

    Internet use in the UK annual estimates by age, sex, disability, ethnic group, economic activity and geographical location, including confidence intervals.

  • E-commerce and ICT activity

    Use of information and communication technology (ICT) and e-commerce activity by UK businesses. Annual data on e-commerce sales and how businesses are using the internet.

  • E-commerce and ICT activity: confidence intervals

    Confidence intervals at the 95% level for e-commerce and ICT activity, website and electronic data interchange sales.

  • Businesses' use of ICT: historic data

    Historical annual data (2006 to 2010) on UK businesses with e-commerce sales and information and communication technology purchases by size, location and industrial sector, type of connection and maximum speed.

  • Values of e-commerce sales: historic data

    Historical annual data (2008 to 2010) on values of sales and purchases using information and communication technology.