Published data related to international trade

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  • Weekly ship crossings by ship type through six global maritime passages

    Weekly ship crossings through six global maritime passages (the Strait of Dover, Suez Canal, Bab-Al Mandab Strait, Strait of Hormuz, Cape of Good Hope and Taiwan Strait) between January 2022 and April 2024, broken down by ship type. These are official statistics in development.

  • Weekly ship crossings for six maritime passages of interest with week number

    Weekly ship crossings through six global maritime passages (the Strait of Dover, Suez Canal, Bab-Al Mandab Strait, Strait of Hormuz, Cape of Good Hope and Taiwan Strait) between January 2022 and April 2024 with week number. These are official statistics in development.

  • Trade in goods: Adjustments to 2022 EU imports estimates, by chapter

    Summary of downwards adjustments that have been applied to the 2022 EU Imports data at the chapter level.

  • Subnational trade in goods

    Experimental estimated value of exports, imports and balance of goods for 2021 for ITL1, ITL2, ITL3, and city regions, including industry and EU and non-EU split.

  • Subnational trade timeseries

    Experimental estimated value of exports and imports from 2016 to 2021 for total trade, trade in goods and trade in services for International Territorial Levels (ITLs) 1, 2 and 3. Includes EU and non-EU split along with data for top 20 partner countries.

  • Subnational trade in services

    Experimental estimated value of exports, imports and balance of services for 2021 for ITL1, ITL2, ITL3, and city regions, including industry and partner country.

  • Trade in goods: Adjustments to 2021 EU imports estimates, by chapter

    Summary of uplift adjustments that have been applied to the 2021 EU Imports data at the chapter level.

  • Digital trade

    Annual estimates of aspects of UK digital trade (Information Communication and Technology (ICT) goods and potentially digitally delivered services) including trade inside and outside the EU.

  • UK outward foreign affiliate statistics (OFATS)

    Estimates for turnover, employment and number of enterprises of UK companies that hold at least 50% of the voting power of one or more foreign affiliates or branches.

  • Exports of services by country, by Modes of Supply: Mode 3, 2020

    Country breakdown of trade in services values supplied by Mode 3 (commercial presence).