42 Datasets that are related to International trade , sorted by release date
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UK trade time series
Monthly value of UK exports and imports of goods and services by current price, chained volume measures and implied deflators.Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports
UK trade: revisions – total trade imports
Revisions triangle for monthly total trade imports data, UK.Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports
UK trade: records sheet
Selected monthly figures for total goods and services, total goods and EU and non-EU goods compared with previous highs and lows and record figures, UK.Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports
Trade in goods: country-by-commodity imports
Monthly import country-by-commodity data on the UK's trade in goods, including trade by all countries and selected commodities, non-seasonally adjusted.Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports
UK trade: revisions – total trade balance
Revisions triangle for monthly total trade balance data, UK.Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports
UK trade: revisions – total trade exports
Revisions triangle for monthly total trade exports data, UK.Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports
UK trade: goods and services publication tables
Monthly data on the UK's trade in goods and services, including trade inside and outside the EU. This replaces our previous dataset, UK trade: goods and services (up until July 2018).Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports
Trade in goods: all countries, seasonally adjusted
The annual, quarterly and monthly goods export and import figures for all countries within the UK.Allweddeiriau: trade deficit, economic growth, goods and services, imports, exports
UK trade in goods by classification of product by activity time series
Quarterly and annual time series of the value of UK imports and exports of goods grouped by product. Goods are attributed to the activity of which they are the principal products.Allweddeiriau: exports, imports, CPA, goods, trade
UK total trade: all countries, non-seasonally adjusted
Quarterly estimates of total trade, trade in goods, and trade in services by country, non-seasonally adjusted.Allweddeiriau: trade, goods, services, exports, imports